Ce que nous faisons

Chez P. Listo, nous travaillons toutes sortes de fruits, légumes et légumes pour offrir un large choix de conserves et de confitures.
Fantaisie, créativité et tradition dans des saveurs authentiques.

Consultez notre offre via le web ou téléchargez notre catalogue et n’hésitez pas à nous demander des informations par e-mail (info@plisto.es) ou par téléphone, en appelant le 651 65 68 95.


Avec le plus grand soin

We make our preserves and jams from fresh and natural products

Currently more than 60% of the production of P. Ready comes from the orchard of our grandfather Jesus and our fields of fruit and vegetables, bathed in a sun that fills each pepper or date with color and that enriches our cauliflowers and oranges.

"No hay mejor producto que el que uno siembra, cuida y recolecta"

Dedication and reward

Thanks to the dedication with which we work every preserve and marmalade we have been able to grow in these few years including new varieties inspired by creativity and the growing demand for products that please the palate in a healthy and natural way.

"Thanks to all those who have been able to value the illusion of this family, to carry their traditional recipes, beyond their own table"

(Español) Nuestra historia

Comment on fait